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Bleeding gums

Bleeding gums are not just a negative side effect of our body that we have to learn to live with. Bleeding gums are almost always a symptom of something bigger that is amiss- you should think of it as a warning from your body, an invitation to pull on the gloves and fight some bacteria- one that should be taken seriously.


What causes gum bleeding?

Damage to the soft tissues can result in bleeding, of course, but this bleeding will subside in 2-3 days maximum. Bleeding that is consistent, and typically only appears when you brush is suspicious, though. The best case scenario is that you have some sort of fast healing gum infection, like gingivitis, but if it is quite persistent, you are almost always dealing with periodontitis, which is the leading cause of gum bleeding. Bleeding gums can also be a sign of a deficiency of one kind or another, usually it is a sign of vitamin C deficiency, but in our day and age this is extremely rare and fixing it is a question of pennies.

How to put a stop to bleeding gums

If the culprit is gingivitis, you are lucky as the process can be stopped and easily reversed even, if the disease is caught in its early phases. After a professional deep cleaning oral hygiene session, you will have to change your at home oral hygiene routine as well. We cannot stress enough how important it is to find the softest toothbrush you can get your hands on, and to brush thoroughly even if your gums bleed from it. Bleeding gums in this case is not an indicator to brush gently, as the gums aren’t bleeding from damage, but from a build-up of bacteria. If you want to prevent the disease from becoming more severe you will have to remove all plaque and tartar and keep our mouth bacteria free.
If your bleeding is caused by periodontitis, you will have to have on going dental treatments, unfortunately. Aside from deep cleanings and oral hygiene sessions every 2-3 months and a most rigorous at home oral healthcare routine, you may need extra dental treatments. You may need to get a deep cleaning of the tooth pockets, which can be open (surgical) or closed, which may or may not be followed by a course of antibiotics or other medication.

Home remedies against gum bleeding?

It is important to note that at home methods will not stop your gums from bleeding. If you experience bleeding gums, you will have to change the way you clean your teeth, but these advanced methods are only good at slowing the problem down, but they will not offer a cure. If you do not go and see a dentist, you are actively shortening the lifespan of your teeth. Instead of bad rumours on the internet, here are some guidelines to follow, the most important being: book an appointment to your dentist the moment you experience bleeding gums!

Brush your teeth after every meal

Use only soft toothbrushes with gentle bristles

Use alcohol free mouthwash

Use dental floss or an interdental toothbrush to clean between the teeth

Most important is to book an appointment to your dentist regularly every 6 months for a routine check-up.

Ask our dentists for a recommendation with a treatment plan!