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Hygiene treatments for a confident smile- recommended by a leading beauty blogger [Remzsõ Anna]

Dentálhigiéniai kezelés

The popular Hungarian health and beauty website, Fashion&Sweet’s main blogger, Anna Remzsõ was seen by Forest & Ray Dental’s dental hygienist recently, as she came in for a deep cleaning, polishing and hygiene session. This was a conscious decision on her part, as having a beautiful, healthy smile is of the utmost importance for her as a beauty blogger.

The maintenance of beautiful and healthy teeth begins with getting the plaque removed regularly during the course of a hygiene session. These treatments are necessary because this hard, calcified plaque that lives on tooth surfaces and on the pockets of gum that teeth are anchored in is the cause of much tooth decay and almost all periodontal disease.


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Although at home oral care is essential in the fight against plaque, all plaque cannot possibly be removed at home, as the tools available for this task- toothbrushes, mouthwash and dental floss- are insufficient at removing these clingy layers of bacterial life. The way to remove them is with a routine deep cleaning and hygiene session in your dentists office. which will include plaque removal and a polishing of the teeth, which makes the tooth surfaces smooth so as to make further plaque accumulation more difficult.

Dentálhigiéniai kezelés
Oral hygiene treatment

The treatment has numerous benefits. Aside from preventing the aforementioned diseases of the oral cavity and tooth decay, this procedure also makes the mouth more attractive, lightens the shade of teeth by several shades, and that has a positive effect on the patient’s well being and will boost their confidence, and removing plaque will prevent more serious and systemic problems from forming, which are expensive and usually quite painful.

Szájápolási tanácsadás
Oral hygiene advice

The process was described in the following way by the dental hygienist: “it always begins with a quick assessment of the patient’s oral health. We then apply a desensitizing gel to the area that will be cleaned and on the gums underneath as well, to make sure that even the most sensitive patients won’t feel anything. After this an ultrasonic hand device is used to remove plaque and tartar, and depending on how much of it there is to remove, this can last between 10 minutes and half an hour. As a last step, we use a special device and some polish to scrub the teeth completely smooth and shiny. After the treatment is complete, our dentist will give oral health advice, and answer any questions the patient may have about oral hygiene, so that the patient can clean their teeth properly, thus maintaining the health of his or her teeth and oral cavity for as long as possible. 

Ask our dentists for a recommendation with a treatment plan!