Bone replacement

When is bone replacement necessary?

When considering teeth implants, you might need bone replacement. If there is not enough bone tissue in your jaws for inserting a dental implant, you need bone grafting. In some cases the bone graft procedure might be able to be done at the same time as the implant surgery.

If the jawbone is not dealing with occlusal forces, because the teeth are not transmiting them, then your body will start to use up the bone and disintegrate it. If you then want to replace the tooth using the most modern method, a dental implant, then you will have to treat the problem.

Health concern in connection with teeth loss

Teeth loss is not only an aesthetic problem, but also may lead to serious health issues:

  1. Unhealthy bite patterns
  2. Adjacent teeth become loose
  3. The alveolus deteriorates near the gap

Teeth implants can be an ideal solution for all these problems, but in some cases bone replacement is needed to be able to start the procedure.

Althouthg there are many ways of both replacing lost bone material and bone regeneration, you don’t need to worry at all as our professional dentists will surely find the best options for you. Visit Forest&Ray Dental  when looking for teeth implants in Hungary.

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Bone replacement and dental implantation

If the bone material is missing from where a crown will go, the crown will not be in line with the rest of the teeth, unless you use a very big crown, which would be unaesthetic, and would require a larger implant as well. When there is bone missing, a bone graft is necessary.

Sometimes bone grafting occurs right after an extraction- the bone graft material is applied to the extraction site immediately. Implantation can occur a few months after extraction.

Sometimes the implantation occurs simultaneously to the bone grafting, healing times are 3-6 months in these instances. If the teeth have been missing for a long time, a 2 step procedure is required; bone graft at first, followed by a few months of healing time and then the implantation.

At the beginning of your teeth implants procedure in Hungary, you’ll probably have a lot of question. During a thorough consultation you will be able to discuss all your questions with our dentists.


  • Bone replacement using the patient’s own bone material, usually gleaned from the oral cavity, but sometimes from elsewhere, like the hip.
  • Bone replacement using animal bone materials, mostly pig and cow bones, placed directly on to the patient’s bone.
  • Bone replacement using artificial bone enhancement materials. These are the most popular because of their simplicity. Synthetics like tricalcium-phosphate are used to enhance bones, especially if only a small amount of jawbone restoration is needed.
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Duration of the treatment

Bone replacement usually takes about 60-90 minutes, and need to be before or paralel to teeth implants.

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Costs of the treatment

Panoramic X-ray – (8.000 HUF)
Oral hygiene treatment – (from 15.000 HUF)

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At Forest&Ray Dental Clinic Budapest we only use premium quality material and innovative technology to provide you with the best service possible. Regardless your dental problem, you may trust our dentists’ expertise to treat it gently and permanently. 

Our friendly and enthusiastic attitude also guarantees that you’ll leave the dental clinic with a satisfied, self-confident smile on your face. 

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