It is important to note that the success of the treatment depends on the patient just as much -and in some cases, even more so- than on the dentist. The fight against bacteria is dictated by the patient, or to be more accurate, by the patient’s immune system as much as by the dentist. The inflammation can be cured for the teeth by our dentist, but the patients system has to do the rest, and while prescribing antibiotics usually is enough to cure the body of the infection, it is not always the case, and the infection can remain. While our doctors do everything in their power to stop the infection, the patient’s immune system also has to do at least half the work, and because of it, we cannot assume a guarantee.
If the pain persists, you should return to the dental practice where you got the initial treatment as soon as possible, because whatever problems you may have, they can solve them there. Until the tooth is completely restored, the treatment is considered to be on going, and it may take several appointments, if the infection is deep, to completely restore the tooth. This is why pain and inflammation, swelling is considered to be a part of the root canal treatment process.