Esztétikus fogtömés - Forest & Ray Dental


Fogfájás fogászat budapest FR Dental Fogorvos

All about cyst

Cyst can form even on your jaw bone but do not be afraid: your problem can be solved at the dental clinic.

lepedékes nyelv fogorvos FR Dental Budapest fogászat

What is a Furry Tongue?

As fearsome as it may sound, a furry tongue is mostly harmless and easily curable. There are, however, cases when close attention must be paid to this manifestation. What causes this symptom, what can we do about it?

Toothpaste Made Naturally

With increasing worldwide pollution, more and more people try to find zero waste solutions for everyday household objects. The good news is, perfectly efficient, minimal waste toothpaste can also be made at home.

Fogszuvasodás visszafordítása

Reversing The Effects of Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is one of the most prominent and common dental problems to affect patients, and if not spotted in time, may even require extractions. What can you do to prevent tooth decay?

bölcsességfog növekedés

Natural Tooth Whitening At Home

A brilliant white smile is a sign of health and of cleanliness, and is a good indicator of self care. Here are the best at home techniques to get one!

Loose teeth

Make no mistake about it: loose teeth are a big deal and require immediate medical attention. What can you do to prevent this awful condition?

bölcsességfog gyulladás

Infected wisdom teeth

The mere mention of wisdom teeth fills many patients with dread. They are the cause of many dental problems and conditions, and infected wisdom teeth are terrible. What can we do to prevent it?

Preparing for dental treatment

What to pay attention to before, during and after a dental treatment? How should you organise the day of your treatment, to make sure that nothing goes wrong?

Types of Tooth Replacements

If one or more of your teeth seems to be completely ruined, your best bet is to get some form of tooth replacement. This article will help you decide which one.