Esztétikus fogtömés - Forest & Ray Dental


Fogínyvérzés kezelése fogorvosnál

Sore and bleeding gums

What to do if your gums hurt and are bleeding? What is the cause of this problem, and what can we do to prevent it?

Primary Reasons of Toothache

Every one of us suffers from toothache at least once in our lives. How can the dentist identify the cause of the problem, what remedies there are, and most importantly, what can be done to prevent it?

What to Do If Our Teeth Become Discoloured?

Tooth discoloration can be caused by a variety of reasons, but the result is equally bothering. What to do to keep our teeth white or regain their natural colour? Find out the answers from our article below.

Replacing Amalgam Fillings

Is it worth it to get your old amalgam fillings replaced? What are the effects of amalgam on the body, how are amalgam fillings replaced, and what are the aftercare instructions?

Fogkõ eltávolítása otthon

At home tartar removal

Tartar is a ubiquitous problem. This article inspects if at home removal is possible, or if getting a professional involved is worth it.

fogszabályozás Fr Dental

Tricks and Turns of Orthodontics

Besides aesthetical problems, unevenly distributed teeth can cause a lot of harm: due to the congestion of teeth, they can lead to cavities or gum problems. Find out what methods are available from our article.