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To Chew Or Not To Chew?

Some love it, some can’t stand it, some chew it because it’s fun, and there are even some who chew it consciously

Symptoms Of tooth decay

The term tooth decay is used to describe the process by which the hard tissues in the mouth erode because of the chemical and microbial environment of the mouth.

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Stop Grinding Your Teeth!

Loss of sleep at night, waking up frequently, feeling tired and irritable the day after; does this sound familiar?

At Home Tooth Whitening

Unfortunately these methods provide no appreciable difference. Using sodium bicarbonate is not such a great idea either, as frequent use can rub your enamel right off of your teeth. Fruit are much less harmful, but they do also contain citric acid.

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The importance of using dental floss

In order to prevent tooth decay and gingivitis, it is not enough to just simply brush your teeth with some degree of regularity. Cleaning out your tooth gaps is also an incredibly important part of keeping your teeth clean.