Esztétikus fogtömés - Forest & Ray Dental


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Prerequisites of Orthodontics

Do you want a brace? Let’s start it together! Read our article, and get to know, what are the prerequsities of an orthodontic process!

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Root Canals – How Many Sessions do They Take?

Root canals are among the most effective and well-tried conservative treatments in dentistry. However, many fear that they may take many long and painful sittings to be done correctly. But what is the truth? You can find out from our article below.

Cleaning your dental bridge

Proper oral hygiene is the guarantee of long lasting dental prosthetics. But what do you need to be aware of when cleaning your dental bridge?

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Home Remedies for Oral Malodour

Bad breath is among the biggest everyday problems of the modern man. Fortunately, there are some simple tricks that eliminate this unpleasant symptom with the use of only a few ingredients, found in any home. Read further to find out about them all.


The price of dental implants

No matter how health consciously you live your life, you may still be faced with tooth loss. The risks of tooth loss can be minimised with the help of regular check-ups and with proper oral hygiene, but what can you do if you are already losing teeth?

At home remedies for tooth decay

Tooth decay is the most common dental problem in the world, and should be taken seriously. How can we prevent it with at home remedies, and when does a dentist become inescapable?